The Three Wise Men are here!


The Three Wise Men are here!

…And they bear great news for MAD for Swing.

Firstly, we want to introduce you to our brand-new illustration for Madrid Lindy Exchange 2019. After a long selection process and a lot of busy weeks, thanks to one of our members and friend Maroto, we have already spruce up our promotional posters. In a short time, we’ll let you know more details about him and what inspired him to create this beautiful image.

And secondly, we are happy to announce that there are only 7 days left!

Next week we will open out registration process for the big swing event of the year. Madrid’s swing community opens its arms for a whole weekend and welcomes everyone that wants to come and dance.

Mark your calendars for the 14th of January and make haste to register, tickets fly! As always, members of MAD for Swing, its affiliates and visitors from outside our city will have priority.

En español

¡Llegaron los Reyes Magos! / The Three Wise Men are here!


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Publicado el

5 enero, 2019

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MAD for Swing