[English below]

Exchange Street Band

El sábado 17 a mediodía, el baile social estará amenizado por la Exchange Street Band. Estos cinco músicos traerán un repertorio de swing añejo, con clásicos de las primeras décadas del S.XX, como Avalon, The Sheik of Araby o I’ll see you in my dreams junto con algunos otros temas algo más modernos, como Softly as a Morning Sunrise o There Will Never be Another You. Tres de ellos además de músicos son bailarines de swing, por lo que prometen tempos y ritmos muy bailables y variados.

Jorge Estévez, guitarra, músico autodidacta, que ha pasado por varios estilos, desde el flamenco al jazz y tocado en la escena de swing de Madrid los últimos años con proyectos como The Matsukis. Actualmente toca en Manouche au Lait y en Swing 33.

Christian Pérez, contrabajo, se formó musicalmente en Washington, D.C. Ha tocado en una variedad de grupos que van desde el funk hasta el folk y del free hasta el flamenco, pero su medio habitual es el jazz. Ha grabado 14 discos. Actualmente forma parte de Manouche au Lait, La Metro Big Band, además de colaborar con múltiples músicos de jazz.

Marcos Prieto, clarinete, lleva los últimos años acompañando al crecimiento de la escena swing con su música. Actualmente toca en bandas de la escena swing como la Madrid Hot Jazz Band, o los Grappa Jazz, además de proyectos como The Dixelities.

Daniele Grammauta, saxofón tenor, un clásico de la escena swing de Madrid, es miembro de diversas bandas como la Madrid Hot Jazz Band, Chicago Trio o en la Cool Swing Band.

Fer Lamas, percusión. Ha grabado y compartido escenario con Xoel López entre el 2009 y el 2014, y también en el 2017. Ha colaborado con artistas como Fon Román (ex Los Piratas), El Kanka, Manu Clavijo o Silvia Penide y participado en varios proyectos de jazz con Donald Harrison, Yuhanni Aaltonen, Americo Bellotto, Guillermo Lancelotti, Ove Larsson, Hector Oliveira, Juan Rodolfo Sánchez, Chefa Alonso, Orquesta Foco, Orquesta Carníval y Amoeba Split. Está vinculado a la escena swing como batería habitual del Take de A Train y habiendo colaborado con bandas como la Madrid Hot Jazz Band.


Exchange Street Band

On Sunday the 18th at noon, social dancing will be enlivened by the Exchange Street Band. These five musicians will bring an old swing repertoire, with classics from the early decades of the 20th century, such as Avalon, The Sheik of Araby or I’ll See You in My Dreams along with some other more modern songs such as Softly as a Morning Sunrise or There Will Never Be Another You. Three of them besides  being musicians are also swing dancers, so they promise tempos and rhythms that are very danceable and varied.

Jorge Estévez, guitar, self-taught musician, who has gone through several styles, from flamenco to jazz and played in the swing scene of Madrid in recent years with projects like The Matsukis. He currently plays in Manouche au Lait and Swing 33.

Christian Pérez, double bass, received his music training in Washington, D.C. He has played in a variety of groups ranging from funk to folk and from free to flamenco, but his usual medium is jazz. He has recorded 14 albums and is currently part of Manouche au Lait, La Metro Big band, as well as collaborating with multiple jazz musicians.

Marcos Prieto, clarinet, has spent the last few years accompanying the growth of the swing scene with his music. Currently he plays in bands of the swing scene like Madrid Hot Jazz Band, or Grappa Jazz, as well as projects like The Dixelities.

Daniele Grammauta, tenor saxophone, a classic in the Madrid swing scen, is a member of various bands such as the Madrid Hot Jazz Band, Chicago Trio or the Cool Swing Band.

Fer Lamas, percussion, has recorded and shared the stage with Xoel López between 2009 and 2014, and also in 2017. He has collaborated with artists such as Fon Román (formerly Los Piratas), El Kanka, Manu Clavijo and Silvia Penide and participated in Several jazz projects with Donald Harrison, Yuhanni Aaltonen, Americo Bellotto, Guillermo Lancelotti, Ove Larsson, Hector Oliveira, Juan Rodolfo Sánchez, Chefa Alonso, Foco Orchestra, Carnival Orchestra and Amoeba Split. He is linked to the swing scene as the main drummer of Take the A Train and having collaborated with bands like Madrid Hot Jazz Band.

Etiquetado en: Exchange Street Band
MAD for Swing