If there is something that clearly distinguishes the swing dance scene from other dances that is the nature of its dancers. We possess an open character that translates into our behavior on and off the dance floor: laughs, hugs, dancing with people you know and don’t know, the creativity that allows us to transform our mistakes into new steps… and, above all, the mutual understanding that emerges on the dance floor and connects us in such a unique way.

Each time you go dancing, you find people who welcome you with a smile, who are always willing to dance with you, who make you feel like one of the two main characters in that two-minutes-and-a-half love story that is dancing and whose only presence in the room makes you smile. We’re pretty sure that right now, reading this article, you have someone pictured in mind that combines all these qualities.

…And that’s because their behavior while social dancing is their main distinguishing feature (or their sign of distinction!).

The 6th Madrid Lindy Exchange is approaching and, among other awards, the one we feel most excited about is the one dedicated to social dancing. This is the only prize that is not the result of a jury’s decision or of a direct competition: it comes from the heart and love of all of our community.

In MAD for Swing we want to encourage you to vote, in the case that you find him/her at our event, for that person who is an example of social dancing (that girl who took you out to the dance floor when you didn’t dare to ask anyone, that guy who is always dancing with a smile on his face). As always, we will have a ballot box ready so you can vote for that person.

We also want to encourage you to include in that same ballot a few words so that you can show that person how much you value their attitude. The dedication will be anonymous (unless you want to write your name in it) and it can be a compliment, a few words of appreciation or you can just encourage them to remain as they are; that way, they’ll know that that something they do, doesn’t go unnoticed:

“Swing is part of my life and you are a part of my swing.”

Mejor baile social VI Madrid Lindy Exchange

Etiquetado en: Madrid Lindy Exchange 2019; concursos y premios