Professor Cunningham and his Old School

Profesor Cunningham and his Old School es la banda visitante invitada a Madrid Swing Exchange

Nos trae una combinación de  metales con un sonido potente, una sección rítmica llena de groove y alma, un virtuoso de los instrumentos de viento-madera que además es un carismático vocalista al frente y, a todo esto, añade el alma de una fiesta de Nueva Orleans.

Esta galardonada banda con base en Nueva York interpreta el repertorio más swing y lleno de groove, profundamente arraigado en la tradición de Nueva Orleans: desde el jazz temprano hasta el R&B inicial, con influencias de figuras como Sidney Bechet, Fats Waller e incluso Fats Domino. 

Es una de las bandas de Hot Jazz más solicitadas en la escena internacional de festivales y bailes de Lindy Hop.

En Madrid son muy recordados por ganar la batalla de bandas de The World Jam en 2015.

Han actuado en numerosos eventos  de baile swing incluyendo Snowball (Suecia), BAL Festival (Toulouse), Chase (Alemania), Smokey Feet (Ámsterdam), Barswingona (España), Orient Lindy Express (Estambul), Saigon Swing (Vietnam), Balboa Castle Camp (Alemania), Blue Note Jazz Festival (Nueva York), Illawa Jazz Festival (Polonia), Copenhagen Lindy Exchange (Dinamarca), Melbourne International Jazz Festival (Australia) y Sopot Molo Jazz Festival (Polonia).

Intervienen los músicos:

Adrian Cunningham– saxo, clarinete y voz
Joan Mar Sarque Vila– trompeta
Dani Alonso– trombón
Gerard Nieto– piano
Giuseppe Campisi– contrabajo
Marti Elias– bateria

Algunos de sus temas en video:

Roy’s Got Rhythm

Professor Cunningham and his Old School is the guest band at the Madrid Swing Exchange

They offer a combination of a powerful brass section, a swinging rhythm, a virtuoso on the woodwind instruments who is also a charismatic singer fronting the band which takes us dancing and grooving into the Mardi Gras sounds of New Orleans.

This world-renowned band is based in New York, where they’ve built up a powerful repertoire of grooving swing sound with  deep roots in the New Orleans tradition: from early jazz to the beginnings of R&B, influenced by great names such as Sidney Bechet, Fats Waller and Fats Domino.

It’s one of the most sought-after Hot Jazz bands on the international Lindy Hop dance and festival scene.

In Madrid, we always remember how they won the battle of the bands in the 2015 World Jam.

They have performed in numerous dance events, including Snowball (Sweden), BAL Festival (Toulouse), Chase (Germany), Smokey Feet (Ámsterdam), Barswingona (Spain), Orient Lindy Express (Turkey), Saigon Swing (Vietnam), Balboa Castle Camp (Germany), Blue Note Jazz Festival (New York), Illawa Jazz Festival (Poland), Copenhagen Lindy Exchange (Denmark), Melbourne International Jazz Festival (Australia) and Sopot Molo Jazz Festival (Poland).

The musicians are:

Adrian Cunningham– sax, clarinet and vocals
Joan Mar Sarque Vila– trumpet
Dani Alonso– trombone
Gerard Nieto– piano
Giuseppe Campisi– bass
Marti Elias– drumsç
If you want to check them out on video:

Roy’s Got Rhythm

Ilustración: Berny Art

Etiquetado en: #madforblues, #madforswing, #MadridSwingExchange, #somosMADforSwing, madridswingdance, Professor Cunningham and his Old School